im 3month pregnant and im just caught my husband doing drugs!i just dont know what to do..i dont know what im feeling right now..i cast him out from our house "sehelai sepinggang".please help me im so so so down right now..just dont feel like to live anymore..

Sy ada abg tiri. Dri isteri mgndung smpai ank 2tahun. Ambik dadah. Dulu dorg dduk jauh dari my mom. Skrg dh dekat. Isteri sllu dtg mgadu kena pukul. Sy tgok lebam sana sni. Mama sy ulang cakap report polis. Smggu skli mesti dtg tnjuk lebam. Last2 mama fedup. Mama ckp sruh report polis xnk. Report aadk xnak. Alasan si isteri sbb syg kan suami dan malu klau ank xberbapa(bila msuk pusat pemulihan). Mama sy , dia ibu dia lagi sygkan anknya. Sbb tu sruh report polis. Dia sbolehnya xnk msuk cmpur urusan rumahtgga ank menantu. Lpas mama naik angin tu. Mama ckp kt kak ipar sy, "jgn dtg jumpa dia dh..syg suami apa xnk suami brubah jd baik. " sy nk nsihat lagilah jauh pggang dri api. Dh bsar bru jmpa abg tiri tu. Sbb lain bapak kan. Dan si isteri xdtg dh. Sy dgr2 msih lagi ambik ddah. Dh tu mnum air ketum pulak.. Sis, sis kuat kan hati. Mnta bntuan famili. Bukan ap dibwah pgaruh ddah ni fkiran xwras . Tkut sis diapa2kan.. take care 💕
Đọc thêmFirstly, you did good with 0 tolerance on drugs and drug addicts. Secondly, live on for yourself and your baby. Why must you throw your life away because of another who does not appreciate his own life. Thirdly, yes, the road will be a long and tough, but what doesn’t break you will only make you stronger. Don’t think too much for now, focus on yourself and your baby. Come what may, you’ll cross the bridge one at a time. I’ll have you in my prayers tonight. Stay strong.
Đọc thêmHi Mommy.. 1st of all, u need to keep calm. I know it may not sounds that easy but for now, ur baby is your priority. Go n seek 4 your parents support. u cant be alone atm. try to talk with some1 u comfortable with. gain more moral support. u cant simply get stress during this early pregnancy. I hope 1day, your husband will realise his mistake n change for the sake of you n baby. amiin..
Đọc thêmHey there its not easy to accept that the one you rely on is doing drugs. But keep holding on for the sake of your baby dear. Think rational and move on. Hv faith okay, make things easierand better for both of you( n baby). May god bless you
i can’t imagine how tough it must be but just think about the baby and yourself, mommy. you two are all that matters. 💖
Keep strong mommy...n stay away from drug addicts...please stay with ur parents for a while...extra careful mommy...
Hi mommy. Think about the baby. Stay for the sake of the baby. You have to be strong for both of you. Hugs.