2 Replies

Super Mum

I feel you Momma! When I was in my third trimester, I felt like a whale! My legs and feet were so swollen none of my shoes and sandals fit anymore. My fingers looked like sausages and hurt like hell! You’re almost there! Jia you! Elevate your feet whenever you can to help with the swelling. Your body is going through so much now, you should rest as much as you can.

Surprisingly, my second pregnancy was tougher than my first too! Maybe we are just getting older and body is not able to take as much. 😅 When you’re lying down, doctors actually recommend that you lie on your left side so that your organs have more space.

Super Mum

When I was in 3rd trimester there are many days my average heart rate was above 100 😔 it's common but do take care and don't over exert yourself! Relax take it easy if you can

yes! my hr was 122 when I went to see gynae few days back 😵

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