Pelvic pain
I'm 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant and having servere pelvic pain. Seeking advise should I proceed to hospital. #dilema

the only thing you can do is to rest as much as possible. take your time when you get out of bed or when you walk. you can try stretching but don't strain too much. try breathing exercises to take your mind off the pain.I hope all goes well for you. ❤❤
I’ve been having severe pelvic pain since 32 weeks or so.. coz baby is on the chubby side. Nothing the hospital can do if you mentioned it to them except for advising you to get a belly support or rest more.
try stretching exercise especially for spots/muscles which are very sore (can youtube pelvic girdle pain exercises). you may also try abdominal belt with belly support
my chiropractor taught me that stretching helps and it works for me.