10 Replies

Usually for subsidized patient, we have lesser scan than private patient. Because they pay more. Nearer to EDD they will do another scan to check on baby. then that's it, you can wait to see your baby in real 😀 Don't stress to much on baby weight, unless gynae prompt you on it otherwise it's fine. Furthermore it's not accurate, baby will come out different weight too. Just ensure your appetite are fine and you are eating well.

I think no more scan is a good sign 🙂 All is well perhaps from the previous scans! I’ve been seeing people posting a scan at week 12, I’m at week 14ish & am wondering why my scan is scheduled for 20 wks & not 12wks ish. A scan was done at 9weeks though. I guess it differs for everyone 🤷🏽‍♀️

IC! No wonder.. HAHA! We didn’t opt for that. We are more of a “pro life” than “pro choice” kind of parents 🙂

I’m a subsidised patient at kkh - there is another scan at week 37! Just went for mine this week and found out baby’s weight. They check your amniotic fluid as well. Doc did say no more scans afterthis tho which made sense cos I’m full term and baby might come anytime soon

Hi so after week 20 detailed scan, there is one more at week 28 and then that’s it? Wait till delivery? Are u under KKH subsidized patient? I am currently sub now and no idea what to expect in terms of scans and visits to check progress at KKH too

hi! yup im under kkh sub patient and its my first baby. i had my last scan at 28 weeks and at my 32 weeks just see doc and listen to baby’s heartbeat

VIP Member

Additional scans are recommended if there's a need during your whole pregnancy. If there's a concern, talk to the gynae. If everything is well, then will just be routine appointments.

how many scans are there in total now? im preg with second baby but with my first baby all my scans i got stacks of photos. really want to know how many scan pics are given now.

wah thats very sad lei. i just checked, i got more than 10 scan pics for my first born. Our 5 month (gender reveal) scan I got 2 separate stack of scans. One for his genital area, and the other stack just his faces 😭😭😭

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For me doctor scanned every visit till I before give birth .. but mine is private

VIP Member

nope, but not too worry, you’ll see your baby in real life in no time dear x

when is ur next visit? doc will still scan u for every visit.. 😊

next week! on my 35 weeks

can always request for scan but need $

how to check on KKH website how much is per scan?

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