19 Replies

Definitely work though my hubby income can support us comfortably. I'm not suitable to be sahm as I am counting down my maternity leave as we speak, as much as I love my baby the mundane routine and lack of social interaction is sheer torture to me. Will be sending lo to IFC.

I’d say ask for sabbatical leave if your company allows and try being a sahm for that trial period. If you can manage and like being a sahm with your baby you can quit your job?

@felicity and @candy thanks for sharing! I was thinking of going back to work after maternity for awhile to see being a working mum or SAHM suits me best. We'll see how *crosses fingers*

I wished to be a SAHM to see my child growing up but have to go to work due to expensive living and such :/ but luckily my mom volunteered to take care of my baby

Yea.. If u know of such jobs, share k😁

I think it depends very much on the individual. I would try to have good balance between work and family time :)

Same age as u. I quit my job since pregnant. I try to be full time mommy.

❤️❤️Thks for the encouragement.. Wishing you and Yr family the best.

It depends on individual...I personally won't get a helper.

Most of my colleagues say work is better 😂

put in ifc and stay in the working force.


How about ifc?

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