3 Replies

I had my growth scan at 34 weeks and it seemed that my baby's growth dropped a lot too. She was 1.8kg (5th percentile instead of her usual 25th). I also did a repeat ultrasound and doppler to check the blood flow after 2 weeks. For some reasons her size was okay for the subsequent scan. My gynae and sonographer said it could be the previous measurements were off as ultrasound estimations are also dependent on baby's position and if they could get good biometrics measurements out of it; ultrasound also has an error rate of up to 30%. Hope that's the case for you and bb is well!

i had a placenta that starts calcifying early. she was also light and was only 2.2kg. had to get her out through a c sec. she's now a healthy and active 2 month old!

Hi Clarissa, may i know how far in pregnancy were u when u did the c-sec? Tks!

your fetus should be 1953g in 32 weeks . If there is weight gaining delay pls follow your doctor's advise

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