Stomach is so tight and uncomfortable...

I'm 28 weeks and stomach is already so big, so tight and uncomfortable, especially even worse after eating and drinking. And if baby kicks and stretches during this time, my stomach is stretched even more and even tighter and quite painful. It makes my back ache, and I don't have any comfortable position at all. Can't lie down, can't sit up, can't stand comfortably.. Can't imagine my tummy will continue to grow and stretch for another 3 more months... 😭

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Sameeeee ! I hinestly hope my tummy wont grow any bigger but i have until sept 😭😭 really really uncomfortable esp after eating 🥵🥵🥵

my tummy is getting bigger too & i'm only week 28. i feel like my belly button is going to burst.

2y trước

DX same. So bloated all the time such that baby kicks make me constantly need the washroom and even throw up... 😢 feel comforted that there are other mummies whom are in this together and can understand each other...

Same here! :( Jiayou tgt!