Baby felt too low

Im at 24weeks and felt that baby is too low. Everytime the baby move i can feel and sense something at the cervix/pubic area as though it gonna pop. Baby kicks both left and right side. I guess its in tranverse position. Told the doc but no advise given and was told to come to hosp if there's contraction. Should i be worried about? Or what it can be done?

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i’m at 26 weeks now & my situation seems to be like urs.. but i just figured cos the baby is always in the (picture below) position so i figured why it kept on kicking at my cervix/pubic area. i guess if its a boy u will carry low so i doubt theres any huge issue here. but pls check w the gynae if u do feel any contractions :)) all the best

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I am at 30 wks and sometimes the pushing was so hard inside 😂 move left and move right n sometimes pressing and i feel like my below pressure v strong. I guess its normal?