Emotional thinking

I'm 13 weeks pregnant now. I feel like I'm alone in my pregnancy even though I have a husband who works and takes care of my expenses wise. Other than that, I feel no love given from him. Or isit I'm overthinking it because I'm pregnant and emotional? I feel he is too busy with his own work and his own things. And he only talks to about 1-2 hours a day after his work and before his work. I feel lonely and alone. Im scared to talk to my husband about this as he might take me wrongly. My emotions are all over and I feel I don't know the right words to explain or talk to him. #1stimemom #advicepls #pregnancy #pleasehelp

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Must tell him n let him know. Guys are less sensitive. I’m in week 34 now. Was in depression state when I’m in week 20+ due to family issues n him. Was quite bad that time. But also to keep urself occupied lah. Or talk to friends and other families members. Preggy hormones is another problem. So must seek help on this.

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