Cervix check
Ill be having my cervix check @ 38weeks ++ at kkh and am really scared for it. As everyone says its extremely painful. Any tips on how to make it less painful and will it be only few seconds or few minutes ? Will i be sore afterwards or the pain is only for awhile? 😣😣 #FTM

really depend on the nurse. i was induced for 2 days so need to check every few hours. most of the time is nurse A who is darn rough, i cried uncontrollably everytime she checked and she didnt care or tried to be gentle at all. had once check by nurse B who is super gentle, i just felt a little discomfort but not pain. my hub requested if we could have nurse B do the remaining checks but too bad they are based on rotational work schedule... in the end I scream and cried when my water broke and nurse A checked and commented stil 2cm dilation (cannot have epidural yet) , she immediately let me have epidural ✌️but i still shudder when I saw her walk into my ward to check cervix
Read moredepending on the nurse/gynae who is checking. the day when i gave birth was the first time i got my cervix check too. few nurses came in to check every 30-45mins apart and only one i felt slightly a little pain. other nurses & my gynae came to check and it wasn't painful at all, only last for a few seconds so dont worry! they will ask you to take a deep breath when they start to check.
Read moreHi mummy! Personally for me it depends on who is doing the check. But it wasn’t extremely painful, to me it was more of uncomfortable but don’t worry the pain won’t linger. Slight bleeding after cervix check is normal as well. Don’t be too worried ok mummy!! You can do it 💪🏼❤️
It actually depends on the person doing it. I have 2 done by 2 different people, 1 hurt during the process and the other was painless. Anyway it won’t last, just painful when they check that’s all. Generally quite fast.
The checking of dilation is damn painful for me.. the nurse ask me to hold my hubby.. didn’t know why until OUCHHHH… burst into sweat.. afterwhich is ok..
pain tolerance really depends but it is only for awhile babe! few seconds only just take deep breaths!
Hi, I had the check and wasn't painful to me. I guess it depends how they do it. It'll be a quick one!