14 Replies

Thanks all! I'll continue with eating beef if required as I can't take pork or fish now. It turns me off and I'll feel nausea. My husband finds this belief absurd. Lol

I eat it all the time... I don’t think whether to eat it or not has nothing to do with the year. More of whether your body can take red meat or not..

Red meats especially beef is good for you and baby & especially if you're low in iron so why should you avoid just because of a belief?

Super Mum

Just eat what’s nutritious for you and baby:) I had a baby born in the yr of the pig, and I definitely ate pork. Heh

what is the myth about? I ate a lot of chicken when having my #1 who was born in year of rooster. oops

Some believe that you shouldn't eat the same type of animal if baby is in that horoscope year. Lol

Nv heard of it but I am opposite now eating beef will make me want to throw up 😭

Maybe it'll get better later part, jiayou!

No difference for me. I still eat beef but make sure it’s fully cooked.

so what happens if you eat the same animal?

VIP Member

Never heard of it before 🤣

VIP Member

first time hearing this!!

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