Period during sex can still get pregnant?

If we do pull out method without condom during period, is there still chance of getting pregnant ?

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Doctor will say there's always a chance! So really depends how much u don't want to get pregnant. For my hubby and I, 1 year from the birth of my first, we were highly against being pregnant cz I had a csect. So we only did it during non-ovulation days and on top of tt condom at all times. I didn't want any other kind of intervention like pills cz I didn't want to mess up my body. Then a year later, we reduced the usage of condom during non-ovulation days. But we had a mutual agreement tt I would still continue with the pregnancy if I still get pregnant. So, do talk it out with ur partner. FYI we managed to stay baby free for 2 years before I had my first pregnancy aft my firstborn. Unfortunately had a miscarriage, and another one a few months later, likely due to work stress. Only early this year we managed to keep it and gg to birth soon.

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It’s depends the time frame of your ovulation. U may try to Use Ovia app to keep track of if your menses are usually on time.

no! you would need to ovulate to conceive. This is why, there is a window time to do the deed if you wish to conceive.

yes. if the man pre ejaculates, some pre cum may enter the vagina.

I got pregnant cos of period sex 😂 was the last day tho.