3 Replies

Usually you should discuss induction if your pregnancy has gone beyond 41 weeks. For normal birth, the earliest should be 37 weeks if I'm not mistaken. It is only suggested by the doctor if there are some concerns about the baby’s or mother’s safety. For example, the baby may be overdue, or there could be premature rupture of membranes, or baby is getting too big, or other conditions. Otherwise, having an induction (for a normal birth) could bypass natural processes that a woman’s body go through in getting ready for delivery. In other words, allowing labour to take place naturally would likely reduce the possibilities of complications such as low-birth weight, vacuum or forceps-assisted birth, or fetal heart rate changes. You can also consider these suggestions of natural ways to induce labour: Spicy food Eating spicy food may irritate the intestines and causes the uterus to contract. While there had been no studies to ascertain its effectiveness, it seemed to be a better option to another common method which is consuming castor oil. The latter is believed to have the same effect but may have nasty side effects such as nausea, bad case of diarrhea and dehydration. Walking Walking is also another method that is relatively safe though, like eating spicy food, there is no guarantee of any results. It is believed that walking may help draw the baby down into the mother’s pelvis with the help of gravity and movements of the hips. The pressure of baby on the mother’s pelvis may then help induce labour. Acupuncture Acupuncture is also believed to be able to help stimulate uterine activity and nudge the baby into action. For more on natural ways to induce labour, you may refer to these articles: http://sg.theasianparent.com/how-to-give-birth-fast/ http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/photo-gallery/natural-ways-to-induce-labor.aspx (the second article also discusses the pros and cons of different methods)

Hui Qun pretty much has said it all. Gynaes in Singapore will not get your induce unless when the risks of waiting for labor to start on its own are higher than the risks of the procedures used to get your labor going. For me personally, at about 38 weeks, I felt like a huge balloon and was feeling uncomfortable and achy all over my body. I had asked to get induce because I only just wanted my baby to get out but I was flat out rejected. I was told to eat more spicy food which I did since it was during Raya then and we had tons of Sambal Udang at home but it only gave me heartburns lol. Oh, and sex seems to be pretty effective for more couples too! However, at 39th week, my blood pressure had increases significantly and I was admitted right away to get induced. This was because they feared that I could have preeclampsia, and that I could black out anytime.

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