If you can choose, would you rather have a girl or a boy as a firstborn? Why?

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Boy or girl is fine. As long as I 've a baby i m really happy.. Boy first born is good too so not much "comment" from people ! And also easy to handle too ..

I am super happy and content that my first born is a boy. It's really nice seeing him growing up with his little sister, taking care and protecting her.

I like surprises ,I never checked my baby's sex when I was pregnant till I gave birth and i never planned conceiving

id rather have a girl first, so she can be able to look after her younger brother when I have one

I don’t mind what God’s give us, either a boy or a girl because it’s a blessing and a gift from God.

I like a boy as my first-born, too! I fancy the idea of my kids having a kuya who can be like their dad

I always wanted a girl and ended up with two boys. But i don't regret. i still want two boys :)

I will know soon but we agree with the fact we don't mind. We just want a healthy baby 🙏

I would prefer a girl Girl would be a better sister in handling younger sister/brothers