Ibu.. kalau jiwa terasa kosong adakah petanda hadapi depresi?

depression akan selalu fikir -ve, fikir useless, no more reason to live, kenapa dia exist, rasa tak guna, rasa tak disayangi, rasa stress so deeply to the point nak end the life. so much affect diri dia, it wont be due to one reason, usually banyak sangat masalah sampai rasa too much, better to end than continue living. then masalah² that accumulate around him/her ni, dia tak dapat nak luahkan dekat org lain, not even the parents, no one to trust, afraid of being judge, no friends. for some, they depress but still remember they have God, so they seek for God's help, they are at the bottom of their life but deep inside they believe in god and trust god will help him/her in going through of it. some are depress but they still realise that they cannot do stupid things, and believe sooner or later they will get out of this mess. meanwhile, they just face it and mengadu to God. p/s: i'm not a psychiatric/counsellor /someone who understands/study on psychology. if you need help, this is not the place. i just spur out what I believe on depression. depression is a complex topic that cannot be simplify. setiap orang berbeza. nowadays ada online depression test, you can take it and judge how you think about your life every single day. if you think you need help, go get help from professionals. may you be at ease.
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