Spotting (??) at 30 weeks.

I woke up today at 8am and noticed that my pantyliner was slightly stained. Showered and put on a new one, and there was still some slight spotting. Is this any cause of concern? Baby’s moving as per normal, and I have no pain. I just turned 30 weeks today

Spotting (??) at 30 weeks.
2 Replies
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Super Mom

I think.. go see your gynae. If you start getting cramps, go to A&E

4y trước

Thank you! I’ll continue observing if it gets worse

Thành viên VIP

better to go for a check , just to be safe

4y trước

I called my clinic up and was told to just observe since its light brown spotting. Could it possibly be because I had sex 3 nights ago?