I wish my hubby can be more hands-on and supportive.. my hubby's idea of helping is by staying at home (not going out) with me.. all he does at home is to play iPad, surf youtube, online shopping.. while i do the feeding (via bottle), change diaper, bath, coaxing the baby to sleep 24/7.. I am so stressed out.. how can I talk to him about being more hands on? I need to have time out too..

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One fine day simply handover your child to your husband and ask him to do his chores while you go out with friends or a spa or parlor. You need to convey your thoughts to him clearly that a child is responsibility of both parents.

Just tell him straight that you need help but say it at a time when you're not emotional about the situation. Try to make "lambing" while saying it and i'm sure he will be more than glad to help.