We are playing different roles in our lives as a daughter, mother, wife, sister and so on. Truly sympathise with your case, but for the safety of your children, which should be your main priority, be firm in telling your brothers no friends allowed. Set the house rules and be firm with it. As for your parents, sometimes it’s hard to bring it up but do tell them nicely of your concerns. Like keeping a clean and tidy home environment would be good for your kids at home as well as welcoming the newborn. Besides that, a messy home is also a hazard to a pregnant mother. And that with a newborn coming along, many expenses have to be on a budget, so it would be nice if they could help to save cost by not wasting water and electricity and helping you out with chores if possible as your tummy is growing bigger. I hope you hold on tight and get through this, and by the time baby arrives everything is in good place. Try not to stress yourself up too much and enjoy your pregnancy as possible. Sending you hugs. Hang on tight !