Week 6 ultrasound

I went down to gynae today on week 6 due to some brown spotting here and there recently. Doctor can’t detect any foetus yet only yolk sac. And said brown spotting might be miscarriage too. And ask me to come back 2 week later. I’m so worry. Anyone experience this before? Now I am consuming florxine and duphaston tablet.

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Hi, I am having spotting with red blood (sometimes with some clots) for day 5 already.. Rushed to Kk's hospital twice in this week already.. Dr gave me duphaston. Less spotting after started Duphaston.. Did scan and can see gestational sac only, just week 5. I also try to talk to my baby more, tell both baby and mummy to be strong and healthy.. Try to be positive for now until the next scan

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4y trước

oh no! take good care of yourself and hope you could have some good news soon too. i will be going for a check soon too. thanks for your reply! stay healthy!!

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I had brown discharge at 6 weeks red blood at 8 weeks and tummy pain at 10 weeks. had 3x jab was ask to bed rest all the way for 1st trimester. I manage to give birth to my baby at 36 weeks weighting 3.2kg. be positive talk to your baby.