I watched a lot of birthing videos when I was due the first time around -- it helped me prepare. My sister in law refuses to do that, she says it freaks her out. What do you think? Did watching birthing videos help you?

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syukur sgt2,sy dpermudhkn bsalin..bby ahmed zainudin,bby boy sebrat 3.16kg.. hrini dh msok hri yg ke9 berpntg... smoga sy n bby sht sepnjg didlm pntg ini

Now I got baby. I didn't watch. I feel sorry for that as you will learn beforehand. You cannot trust the Nurses always. If you are knowledgeable, you have more chances to survive more

If your sister doesn't want to watch, leave her on her own. It could be disturbing to her. She will experience and learn her way. Good luck.

alhamdullah sy dh selmat bersalin..18/11/2020..bby nk kluar awai 2 mggu dri trikh due..30/11/2020 ni bru jgka bby

4y trước

Alhamdulillah...bersalin normal ke sis?

lol my husband forbid me to watch this stuff he thought time teaches everything

does helps..most of my friends also refuses n said the same...seram la 😬

yes I do not because It will freak me out i am having my first baby

I didn't i was scared n that they will scare me even more


of course yes.. Bcoz it makes us to mentally prepare