Just to rant

So I was sick yesterday (cough, sore throat, headache, flu and body aches. Covid Neg.) and was bedridden till 10Pm ish I managed to drag myself up to eat something. My husband took a day off yesterday as I couldn’t take care of my baby and also my fil was covid positive (no interactions) hence everyone in the family self quarantined in their own rooms. Today I asked if he was going to work and he said yes. From what I saw, he told his colleagues that he will be reporting to work at 11am yesterday (when I was probably almost dead?). If he were to tell them at 11pm instead I probably would have understand him instead. And in this case, he probably valued his work more than my health and expected me to recover in a day. So I asked him, if I’m not feeling well later, who do I pass the baby to? And he blamed me??? He said i always make him last min??? We are already not on good terms before that, always quarreling over small things and I’m really damn sian already. Am I being self entitled? Please let me know if you feel like I am so I can do some self reflection. Update: Guess who is covid positive with a baby stucked with no one to take care 😋

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Are you a SAHM? No doubt your husband needs to be a little more understanding. But if he’s the sole breadwinner of the family, then I think he should be prioritizing work over you…. Since you were covid neg previously.

2y trước

Yes I am cause we couldn’t afford a helper due to budget and space. Yup, I can understand that but I was very weak all over (and baby was very cranky as she’s sick as well. Positive 2 days later.) so I asked if he’s going to work. But anyway, he came back that very afternoon cause he himself was positive too.