PEM service was super professional!

I was so lucky to have found PEM Nanny Agency when I was pregnant and in need of a post-childbirth confinement nanny. Their service was supe
PEM Confinement Nanny Agency Starting from | Tap Rating - 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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I hired PEM during my first child birth and my nanny was a nightmare. My hubby & I had to do everything on our own. She does housework like a helper only. At night when my baby kept crying, she slept through. Until mayb 1 hour of his crying then she woke up to see. I didn’t even feel safe leaving my baby with her, when she carried him when he cried, she does comforting voice but opened her eyes widely to stare at him like deep down saying “u better shut up” we wanted to change. But if u know PEM they said change will take 2-3days (if I didn’t remember wrongly but it’s definitely not immediate) and we didn’t dare to bec we don’t know if she would do anything in the meantime. So my hubby and I just treat it as a waste of money leave her ard to do housework and we take care on our own. She says ridiculous things like cannot feed breastmilk then feed formula kind of things. Then when baby keep crying she blames me saying that my breastmilk got air so he keep crying. Being a first time mom I started to blame myself. At last day, I have lotsa gifts from my frenz and it’s time to move back my home. She went to pick out one by one and ask “u want not? Don’t want give me”. Rude, unprofessional, not helpful. Forced us to write a review on FB on her, so she can win a phone from company. I just wrote “extra help” yet PEM still can say thank u… first and last. My next child I didn’t hire any nanny. Just had helpers to help and order confinement meals which tasted better than what nanny could cook

A bad nanny is a waste of money and a nightmare.



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