17 Replies

Indeed it is too personal. I would hv argued with the doctor if I were you.. then write a formal complaint to the hospital. Sorry, I’m not a Karen but I’m not a weakling either.

I would say have as many kids as you can afford! (time, energy, money) Doctor no EQ but this is a practical issue also. Who will care for your kids if you can't afford it?

I was being asked whether I want to do contraception 1 day after I give birth to my FIRST child! God! No wonder Singapore birth rate so Low!

Yes, i was asked if i need contraception too after i deliver my first baby and went for a checkup. The doc also explained that it’s to allow a healthy next pregnancy….


oh wow, but my gynae abit different. he asked me to at least hv 3 kids haha. aftr my 1st baby, he said to me "see u in 2yrs time" lol

i guess the SD just being concerned. Ignore the negative and be positive! It is good for u

I plan to have 3 children too! Pregnant with second one now.

What’s the name of the doctor? Pls let us all know

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