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Hello. My Daddy bought me PS1 when I was 6y/o. I didn't enjoy it that much, I did play maybe once or twice a month but I preferred playing outside. I wasn't into gadgets at that time. That was when the only gadgets you'd encounter was PS, TV, Gameboy and if you're rich a computer. But in todays time, there's lots of gadgets to get preoccupied with. I think if the kid is already expose to gadgets and enjoys it a lot, the kids probably get addicted once they try it 😅

It often happens that I cannot cope with the passage of difficult levels in my favorite video games on my own, at such moments I turn to the site https://apexboosting.eu/kills-boosting/ for help and it has never let me down, because Only real professionals work here.

I agree with u momsh..maraming disadvantage ng video games than advantage.. ok lang kung educational video games but usually nakaka addict yun sa bata.

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