Pregnancy Test

Hi i took hcg strip test.. First 3 test got faint positive.. Then i tested it with another brand which shows the result alas negative. My period is irregular on average of 52 days. Now I'm on 42nd day when should i test again

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Wish u luck! Just keep trying or just see doc to test hcg level for 2 times, if increasing double over 2 days meant u pregnant~ I did that.

Super Mom

If your period comes roughly every 52 days, then you can try checking on the 59th day, if your period hasn’t come by then

Try to use a Clearblue digital pregnancy test kit which shows how many weeks from conception you are if it’s really positive.

5y trước

Yes, but that will be more expensive as you need to see doctor. Also, some clinics only do urine test but not blood test. For me, I took both normal pregnancy test and digital test a few days apart. When it’s confirmed positive, I then directly went to gynae for first appointment to do ultrasound scan for further confirmation.

Hi maybe u wait a few days & try again. If not wait till ur period is due. Hope it will be 2 lines!😀

Try taking the test in the morning. The first pee might be more accurate.

Super Mom

Try after u really missed ur period after 52 days

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Go gynae for a scan if you have the money