I’m feeling very down after DC
Hi, I thought I managed my emotions pretty well throughout the period of knowing my pregnancy wasn’t going to viable until the day I miscarried and decide to opt for DC. But I realised I became very depressed and down days after DC.... it’s a very miserable feeling and I can’t help feeling so down... anyone the same?

It is normal to feel that way but please talk to someone or a professional about this as it may affect your mental health. It's normal to feel the guilt. It is not even your fault that your pregnancy is not viable. Know that miscarriages do happen and it is never your fault. I've had 2 miscarriages with the latest one that happened last year on May. I was also really down as it was a planned pregnancy after 8 yrs of giving birth to my younger son. I grieved for the longest time I could remember. I cried in the toilet. I cried to sleep. I felt helpless and I also blamed myself for what happened. Was it the cups of coffee that I drank? Was it because I slept on the floor at the chalet? Was it because I had not enough rest? I totally feel miserable like you and I kept blaming myself. What more mine was a natural miscarriages for both. The first one was bloody show. I peed red. My urine was all bloody red. The 2nd one I saw my gestational sac came out of me and that was really traumatic cos I even picked it up and cried over it. But try to think positive. Maybe if your pregnancy is viable, maybe it is not a healthy one? Think it that way. For now, rest and recover fast. Take confinement meals. Do whatever like you're in confinement. Try again after 3 cycles or better still after 6 cycles when everything has healed. Let your body completely heal inside out first. Does not mean you have had a miscarriage, you will not have a healthy pregnancy in the future. I may not know you but here's a tight virtual hug from me ❤️. Do take care. Try to think only the positive. Cheer up, empty your mind and rest well so your body can recover fast.
Read moreTake time to grieve. You lost someone it's human to feel down. I had a miscarriage naturally. Painful for the soul and body. Took me alot of tears and distraction to get over. You won't fully get over but it will make you more cautious when you are trying again. Which is a good thing. Take time to heal and you will have success again! Take care dear.
Read moreThank you so much for your encouragement ♥️