I am thinking of getting a pet for the family. I have 3 kids and weekends will need to go out for more than half a day. What do you think is a suitable pet to have?

My first pet were fish and having them taught me a great deal of responsibility, we had to feed them and wash the tank ourselves. If any died, we had to scoop them out ourselves and "bury" them. Our parents wanted us to learn to be responsible for another life so we value our own lives better. I remember wishing for a cat when I was younger but I'm glad I didn't have one till recently, when I am grown up and working with the means to care for it properly. Bigger animals like cats, dogs and rabbits are fun to have but the commitment is heavy. Like kids, they fall sick, need alot of attention and can cost alot! They are better options for when kids are older, I feel.
Read moreThere are always going to be tons of reasons not to get a pet - but honestly, the joy they can bring to your life is just unparalleled. The right pet can bring so much happiness, and is also a great way to teach your kids about responsibility. I personally grew up with both a dog and a cat, and they were very, very different. With a dog, you have a very good reason to go outside every day. They can be difficult to take care of, agree with some of the posters above that maybe a trial run is a good idea.
Read moreDepends on how much bandwidth you have left. Sounds like quite a lot on your plate. Perhaps a rabbit? My cousin who loves rabbits commented that their temperament are very much like dogs. They could be kept in a cage or in a space confined by gates on weekends when you need to be out. I feel that they are relatively easier to tend to and could be an option to consider. Ultimately, it'll be a family decision as everyone has to chip in to care for the new addition. :)
Read moreFish! low maintenance, you can make your kids in charge of feeding and cleaning, you don't have to attend to them all the time, don't have to worry about visitors, no vets are involved and very low initial cost. of course, you cannot cuddle them, but it is a good starting step. Alternately, you can go for turtles. They are always available at the pet shop, and they are again, low maintenance.
Read moreYou can consider having a dog like R Gosh recommended or you can get smaller pets like hamster so that the kids will be the primary caregiver for the pet. This will allow them to learn about responsibilities. You can teach and supervise them to change the bedding, feed the pet and even refill the water! It will definitely be a great experience for the kids.
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A dog for sure - they are the most loving creatures and will teach your kids such amazing life skills. You should consider borrowing one of your friends or colleagues pets for a week and see how the kids react to it.
if i were you, i will try something easy like fish, terrapin or hamsters. if your kids able to take care of the easy pets and be responsible for them, then you can consider dog and cat which needs more attention
hamster..its cute and managable..can teach them to be responsible to change the cage regulary
Oops... I was thinking guinea pig...