newbie as parent
i think my life as parent (2months son) really tough. pls give me an advise, how i manage time as housewife (before this im working) & also taking care my son (my son really hard to sleep at daylight). pls pls pls.

Hi. I'm also a new mom here. 3months+. Be positive always ya. Anak ni ter influence juga dengan mood mommy. Each time you rasa letih/down, reach out to someone yang boleh faham, borak, luah perasaan. It helps me. My baby selalu nak dukung je buai buai pakai lengan, baru dia lelap. Try various method untuk tidurkan dia so that you can find time untuk housechores, nap, etc. Be strong and positive selalu ya mommy! 😉 enjoy this 'tough' time. Also this nasihat from my mum yang buat I banyak sabar; kita kena kesiankan baby, dia dalam perut 9 bulan rasa diprotect ruang sempit, dah keluar kat dunia ni dia akan rasa insecure, and dia tak boleh nak buat apa2, kita as a mom kena buat dia rasa selamat. Kalau dia buat perangai nangis2 pun, pujuk, and sabar je 😊
Đọc thêmSama laa situasi.. Even dh masuk 3m ++ die masih menangiss mcm kena dera. But better than 2m dlu laaa. Not a few. But many ways i tries sudah. Hahaha. To be honest sy bkn seorang yg penyabar. Bila baby nangis, i jauh kan diri sekejap sbb tkot buat apw ape kt die. No relatives nearby. Semua sendiri. Am an awkward mom. For 27years 8 bkn jenis dgn baby.. Suddenly ade baby and jenis ske menangiss. Tido kejap bgn tido kejap bgn. Stress.. Semua bnd terkejar. Lg lg i direct bf baby.. Bru dlm seminggu ni die tkmo botol. Dh dpt akal mungkin. Die muntahkan ade klo bg botol. Lg keje rumah terkejar kejar dgn nk bg die tido utk masak berbuka. Smbil menyusu smbil berdoa tido laaaa bg masa utk masak je jd laa. Hahaha funny right. But ya, enjoy it.. Stay strong. Ask for help if you can.
Đọc thêmsama mcm saya.. baby girl 2m+..stress jgk mula2 sbb xdpt nk buat benda lain.. tapi kakak saya ckp just chill n enjoy dat moment.. skrg da bole tdo siang da sikit2..mase baby tdo je saye teros buat ape yg saya kena buat dlu contoh mcm pergi mandi n laundry.. bfore tu nk mandi pon jarang2 dpt😂..or sis bole try buat tuam/tungku perot baby.. mayb dia x selesa dats why susah nk tido
Đọc thêmDulu sy pn alami masalah sama. Tidur xcukup, macam2 lg. Pastu, try setkan masa baby tidur, letak di kawasan yg malap sket utk bg mood tdo. Pastu, sy try gak balm organic with eo yg membantu anak tidur bila dah tiba masa yg sepatutnya hehe. Alhamdulillah, smpi skrg, anak jenis tidur awal and ikut time sbb dah terbiasa dr bayi.
Đọc thêmOoo sy pengguna tegar Balm Tasneem Naturel smpi sanggup jd DS semata nk beli harga agent hahaha... Nk cuba boleh kontek saya ye hihi
I am currently having same conditions with 2 months son and new housewife and no close family nearby to help. I only managed enough time to do laundry at day and if lucky enough able to do some housekeeping. Husband will bring back food when return from work
get alot of help as you can. the struggle is only temporary as you are just starting to adjust. rest if you need to rest and get alot of sleep for your energy. if baby is sleeping, sleep along. takecare dear
Awal2 mmg struggle, once dah masuk 4-5 months, baby akan ada waktu tidur tetap dah. Buat masa skrg cuba bg baby susu sampai kenyang then sendawakan, bedung dan dodoi baby sampai tertidur.
You do more skin to skin with your baby.... Enjoy motherhood it may be tough I know you can do it and stay calm and positive all the time 😘
Bedung. Tepuk2 sikit. Nnt dh besar sikit, bg dia tidur meniarap. Anak saya pn sama. Skrg dh 8+m sy dh tahu waktu tidur dia, senang sikit nk handle.
aduh xingat pulak 4months kot.
Try to use baby cradle to lullaby him. Use when necessary if not he will addicted.
An Awkward Mom