Late checkup
Hi . I think im pregnant 8 week . But not yet go to clinic for checkup . I planned to go to kkh after 5 month . Is it safe? Anyone here went to checkup after 4/5 month of pregnancy?

Not advisable. Pls do go for an early check. If you're really 8 wks pregnant (may also not be accurate if you base on your LMP) you'll get to see your tiny bub on the ultrascan and hear his/her heartbeat. Also you need to take folic acic/prenatal supplements which will be prescribe to you by your gynae according to your needs. By delaying to do so, you may also not know if your pregnancy is a healthy one or not. If you have financial issues, best is to go for a referral from the polyclinic then go to the hospital's social worker when you got your 1st appointment to work out on the bills. Be safe then sorry.
Read moreI went for my first checkup at 23weeks with my first child. I opted out of all the tests like down syndrome or ogtt because I felt it was super unnecessary n was trying to save money. With my second I went during 7weeks or so n honestly not that big of a difference, same tests, same routine, just spend more $? I also opted out of those tests which I opted to not go for with my first. If u want a peace of mind, go for the checkup asap, otherwise 🤷🏻♀️
Read moremy prvious two kids. i went to checkup asap after i miss my periods. and monthly checkup till 9 month . but now... feel like more relax with the exprience bfore. +every month checkup is tiring +$$ . but maybe gonna book appt soon to check if everything is ok . thankyou!
what i did previously, i go for prenatal checks at week 10 for heartbeat. then i skip till checking of gender, do the blood test n check on sugar level (can't remember the name but going through it again soon cause having my 4th) n nearer to edd i go again to check on dilation 🤭 other than that i don't go unless i got questions or doubt then go see gynae. Because not my first time so atleast i know what to expect, what to care for etc..
Read morePrenatal check ups are in place for very good reasons, for the wellbeing of you and baby. Issues, big or small can be identified and resolved in a timely manner before they escalate. Even with a low-risk pregnancy, it's good to keep everything in check. If you're having some difficulties, be sure to reach out and seek help.
Read morewoahhh . ok2. goonna book appt soon! thankyou!
go polyclinic, get a referral letter to go on KKH subsidised route.. save around 50% spending if you're concerned on savings. the only expenses that are not subsidised is the First Trimester Screening Oscar and Harmony NIPT test for down syndrome.
If private, u simply email the hospital for appointment. Don’t need to go to polyclinic
whats the reason for delaying the first checkup? usually we would go for first scan at week 6 to week 8 so we know everything is fine and to ensure there is no abnormalities in the pregnancy. 4 to 5 months is already in 2nd trimester.
my last exprience with two kids. went to chckup asap after miss priod. but this time feel like diff . furthermore heard like some of mommy never go to checkup till 4/5 month . so i thought its like okay to do that . but i think i will book appt later . Thankyou!
Dont risk your health n ur unborn child health.... first trimester is the most important part of the pregnancy. Going once a month for ur child safety is the least u can do.
yes2 for the time being i ieat my folicacid and omega . hehehe. i booked appt but latest is january . hee.
First trimester is the period where pregnancy is most unstable. I wouldn’t risk not going for checkups ASAP unless there’s any valid reason causing the the delay.
thankyou for assure me to book appt later !
First check up is super important. After 5 months of full check up... I did not go until birth. I knew the gender already and everything is good.
Yup walk in
Pls go for check up. I had ectopic pregnancies, both at 7 week. One ruptured and had emergency surgery. Better go than sorry, dear.
oh ooo . sorry ... but can we know if we happen to have etopic pregnancy? thankyou ill book appt later.