9 Replies

I tested positive twice too and nausea only kicked in at Week 6 so it may not have kicked in yet, or some dont even have morning sickness as symptoms differ for everyone. I wanted to take a blood test to confirm but GP said no need, because pregnancy test kit is accurate enough, and asked me to visit gynae straightaway instead.

2x Positive result means you are pregnant. Dont worry, I also didnt feel pregnant. I found out I was pregnant when I was already 2 months. I was even travelling overseas and no symptoms at all. I just felt tired and sleepy most of the time. Thought it was because of the trip but turns out i was 9 weeks pregnant that time. 😊

Yes! If you test twice it is highly likely you are pregnant! i tested twice too on the same day 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon and both is positive. If you are kiasu like me can try getting the clearblue and u will be more assured. Im 8 weeks now and i didnt even know i was pregnant all along until i took the test.

Usually if test twice and same result means its accurate. And symptomes doesnt always come early. Mine only hit me at week 6 other than that i dont feel pregnant at all. Dont worry too much!! I also did 3-4 diff pregnancy test when i found out i was pregnant 😂 and did hcg blood test to double confirm

I'm week 6 with no nausea just sore breast n fatigue ... I tested 4 time to confirm my pregnancy n had hcg test which is above 800 plus so this confirm the test..have faith ...

I did experience false positive. Thats because I was sick at the first place, so self test kit not accurate. So the second time, I try not to think too much, despite went to check at polyclinic, me and husband still want to confirm and share the news only when scan on 8th week.

im at my 7th week now and all i do is sleep too 😂 no other obvious symptoms..just sleepy & still sleepy even after long sleep... and sore breast... worst when i wake up from sleep...

you can test everyday if u are worried.. the first time i had a chemical preg and the line got lighter each day..

Wait till 8-9 weeks scan before letting other people know

Twice positive seems promising. All the best!

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