My MIL is staying with me as she helps to take care of my 3 kids. The issue with her is she thinks she's always right, hot tempered, always scold my kids, let my kids watch phone in the dark and so on. She can't be confronted and if so, she will threaten not to take care of my kids. Worst, she made me her target to throw tantrum at. Hubby will not talk to her to correct her behaviour as he thinks he can't do that as his mother is sacrificing to look after our kids. How to win back husband over mother-in-law? I am so depressed now.

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to be honest , once she has crossed the line , you should speak up and say what are the things you dont want ur kids to experience .. such as using phone and all .. You should always have a back up plan as to , how to manage the kids if she isnt around .. Try speaking to your husband to talk to his mother , or u speak up if not you can try ask your husband to work and you become the housewife .. security courses ( devan nair ) offer a few days class , you can manage the family with the income your husband provide instead of depending on others to take care of the kids .. You may find a work from home job and manage the income , until the kids are slightly older .. I rather the kids grow up in an healthy environment then to grow up having virtual entertainment surrounded them .. The kids childhood is important , the roots are important for the growth of the child .. Hope this was useful to you .

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