Does your spouse communicate with his Mother? She probably wants somebody's attention. I sent my kid at a young age to CC too and I do not live with my in-laws. MIL used to care for my kid and she wasn't happy with me sending to CC. Likewise, my kid would be eating chocolate donuts and watching TV all day long. She would let herself into my house, wait for me to come back and scream and shout at me to demand for her grandkid. Hubby isn't home most of the time. I just ignore her. Over time, I let her fetch my kid from CC. It was suppose to be 5pm. But, she fetches at 2 or 3pm. And, bring donuts, cakes etc. What can I do? Only feel blessed that there is someone who loves my kid so much but in her own way. I even try to suggest things to bring when fetching my kid like fresh milk or yakult. Occasionally, I close one eye. My in-laws are retired, they used to sit near the CC the whole day to glimpse at their grandkid until the teachers complain and told them to stay away because whenever my kid cries upon seeing them and thus interrupting the class. I regain my sanity by working full-time and let nature take its course. As long as child is well taken care of. What more can I ask? Same situation when my kid started student care. Except, I have another child now, so their attention is focused on the new one. Take life with a pinch of salt.
Sound like my situation 2yrs back!!..was staying with my pil while waiting for our own place.. My mil was always complaining about this and that and yes, hubby was sandwiched b/w the both of us so I had not much of a choice but to quit even b4 our hse is ready facing my pil day in day out is not easy but at least they know I'm watching on what they feed my boy and also stayed to limited screen time.. I placed my boy into cc when he was 19mo and chose 1 that is near my own house even if it means I need to travel to and from my pil house everyday..i state very clearlh to the school that only hubby and i are allowed to pick my boy up from school..pil were not too impressed but I told them that I plan to return to work after he settled into school so it's better that he learns from trained professionals then staying at home to watch TV. . I made it v.clear that I may be easy going to things concerning myself but when it comes to my boys it's my rules..
Hi, could understand your frustrations especially the ones on "illegal" foods. To the elders, this is love, this is doting without cares for the consequences. Evil, she's not, I reckoned she's more ignorant. Since it is in-law, please get your spouse to talk to her else more unhappiness will occur. To them, other than their own offspring doing the talking, the rest are redundant. Alternative solution is to inform the teachers not to allow early pickups or only you or your hubby is allowed to pick up your child. Bad habits and manners are hard to tame and they grow like wildfire. I once came across a post on facebook that the mummy mentioned to her in law that she has no intention for her child to be thrown into jail then only to regret. You can tell your in-law not to wait for your child to suffer from sickness then regret the sinful foods. All will be too late. Whose fault will it be? I heart for you and your frustrations.
Mil always have drama. Mine constantly want to prove that I am incapable of taking care of my husband and my kid, and always throws her weight around. She likes to dictate everything, to the extent of what bath foam/ shampoo/ pillows we use or my LO use. Recently she gave my LO. a pillow and I kept it because it's too thick and I don't want him to be using it till he is much older, I can't take the risk of him suffocating, sadly my husband don't understand me and still put the pillow near my LO, all because his mother say so. I am sick of her!
Since you have the option to be SAHM, discuss with your spouse and see if you two can agree to it. No need to consult too much opinion from MIL seems she is fickle minded. If continue to work and let her fetch your child, just close one eye and how she feed your child. My son used to feed with soft drinks and instant noodles by my ILs and they never listened. I am just lucky that my son's health is fine, otherwise will have a lot of drama going on.
1. Move out asap. 2. Insist PIL only pick up at 7pm. 3. Enlist hubby help to enforce above. 4. Set a ban on ipad. My mom used to let my toddler wtCh ipad when eating. One day we simply put a ban to it. She used to tell us "no choice lei.. if Not how to feed him..." Too bad. No ipad means no ipad. Now my toddler is not addicted to ipad at all. He even asks me to put my phone away.
Oh dear. This must be real hard on you. Anyways, i think she wants attention. How is the relationship between your spouse and his mum? That could play a part as well. Could it be that she is yearning for your spouse suggestions. Has your spouse tried speaking with her instead of you having to raise the issue. Perhaps that would help.
i feel you. intended to send my girl to child care but my parents in law said no. so i respect their decision. now my girl is turning 5 this year still need people to feed and eat 1 hour lunch and dinner with the i pad. i regret. i should send her to cc without listening to them.
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-.- reading this, I really pity your mother in law. hired a maid and manage the household.. All she got from you criticism.. Pls go reflect on yourself. If you have a heart pls send your child to half day cc only.