I am a SAHM and will be sending my daughter to a half day programme at Mindchamps soon. Is there anything I could do to prepare her for school, especially to ease her separation anxiety?

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For me, I brought my child to the school to be intro to the tr first. Let her be familiar to the environment. Tell her what to expect. They like it when they know what is going to happen. Then, tell her that there are no mummy and daddy in this school for little children. Ease her anxiety by sharing norms. On the day, allow her to bring her fav toy to school. This toy will accompany her. Acknowledge her fears and allow her to share her feelings. It is good for her to be attached to a teacher first then gradually she will want to be with other teachers. Young children adapt and adjust easily.

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Tall to her, keep talking to her be it whether she understands or not. Also maybe show her books and watch school cartoons with her. Most of the time, kids adjust faster then we expect them too. Lastly, mummy if you freak out, she will know. So, time. For you to soldier up for the benefit of your girl.

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Wow. You all did so much!!! For me - I just positioned it as a positive experience - hey, big boy going to school. Yes he cried but well - turn away and walk. For me - I feel that our kids can feel what we are feeling. The more anxious we are, somehow the child will feel it as well!

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