3 Replies

Perhaps you might want to change your diet and reduce salt. Drink plenty of water. You may also ask further tips from your doctor. Protein in urine in other terms is albumin if i remember correctly. I had once did a full body check up years back at KTPH and detacted albumin

yes, it is albumin and now im pregnant, it is more than usual. just feel so nervous and pretty bummed. i will try to drink more water and reduce salt intake. thank you.

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Hi i had the same issue when i was pregnant My baby is 1 yr old now and im having full body checkup every 6 months, there’s still light protein in my urinr but my kidney function are normal

Hi how are u now how is ur kidney

Hi how are u now , and ur health Did u check yr kidney again??

hi. incase youre wondering. i had a chkup on 15sept. doctor said my albumin is gg down so there was not a need for biopsy. only now i have to take valsatan for hbp. most likely need to lose weight before the next chkup n see if this hbp is still ard or no

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