I rock my baby to sleep or my wife nurses him till he sleeps. However the moment we put him into the cot, he wakes up and starts screaming. Then we rock him to sleep and when we put him into the cot, he continues screaming. The cycle repeats till we are very shag. Anyone has ideas how to solve this?

My baby used to have such an issue. We were exhausted by the time baby fell asleep. In the end I used a few methods and it worked well. Firstly, I babywear her. Then I started walking and singing till she is in deep sleep. Research shown that a baby is in slumber deep sleep only after 45 mins. Then I will put her on her cot. Secondly I also tried to wrap her up tightly. She fell more secured and is more assured. When the baby is full n secured, they will sleep well. Thirdly I tried white noise or soothing music. These 2 buy me some time but didn't work as well as the prior methods.
Read moreThink of it from a baby's perspective. He's huddled and cuddled in his mummy's womb for 9-10 months. All his demands were met, perfect temperature with endless supply of food and constant rocking from mummy's actions. He's suddenly in this big world - no constant cuddles etc. Look into co-sleeping on the same bed. Google on safe co-sleeping. Your wife knows how to latch the baby? Good. Get her to learn how to side latch her baby so that she can rest and baby can suckle for comfort for as long as he wants. Suckling helps soothe the baby so much that it brings comfort to them.
Read moreHaha yes the suckling helps but the lactation nurse said he is joy suckling and not hungry and need to wean him off haha
same here. i tried the suggestions that i have read here then when i try it last night swaddling and latching the baby helps for my LO. i also put my arm or my body near him while i put him down besides our bed so he still feels secure cause he can feel my body then i remove my hand slowly after some time or i just want us to sleep like that. based from experience you need to try every possible way and you will find what suits for your baby. good luck. i wish my technique will work for my baby everynight :)
Read moreWelcome to my world. We have been experiencing the same thing. Our solution - put baby in baby carrier insert and then when baby is asleep, move baby in carrier insert to cot and let her sleep in carrier insert. Another solution is to use a wrap swaddle so she is all cozy and then move her to cot. You can also try cosleeping on same bed and breastfeed lying on the side. So baby falls asleep on his back or side and u move Him to his back.
Read moreOk will try that
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colicky period? mine was exactly like yours. I swaddled and baby wear. and it really helps bb to zzz well and longer
He is only 3 weeks so don't think he has colic. Hope he won't get it!
Nurturer of 2 sunshine