I resigned from my job after I've given birth to my LO. Now he is 17 months old n my mil kept asking me to send him to Childcare cos she said LO when being taken care by me learns n develops v slow .. e.g. Still can't self feed using spoon, can't speak many words yet. Etc .. I'm feeling v sad .. Did I do anything wrong by wanting to take care of my LO until 3 then send him to Childcare b4 I return back to work ? Sigh .. :(

Don't let other people judged your LO development. My family and in laws always tell me what to do, what should not do. I nv care at all. My LO I will decide what is best for him. As long as your LO is healthy and happy no worries, u can slowly teach him.
first you are not wrong for caring for him. babies develop faster when in school as they are exposed. you may want to consider placing him for playgroup at least. in that way you are still the main caregiver at the same time baby goes to school and has friends his age.
No, u did not do anything wrong. I feel that how you want to take care of your LO, is up to you. Don't let what your MIL said affect you. Plus your LO is young, my LO is 18 mths old and also don't know how to self feed.. So don't worry so much mummy.. Jia you..
My LO also coming 15mos, i have not start him to self-feed & can’t speak full words yet... You can meet your mil halfway.. you can send your kid when he turns 18/20months old to playgroup halfday. So same time give yourself some time off 😊 relax 😄
There is nothing wrong, If you are able to care for him till 3, it;s better! 17months is still too early to say that he develops slow. First of all, try to get him to do things himself for now. Self feed. One step at a time mummy.
Read moreStay by your decision if you strongly feel so. Engage your husband on your decision so he could help you to speak up to MIL. All babies develop at different timings. As long as your baby meets the milestones, that is fine! Jiayou, mummy!
Being a SAHM is great.. Spending time with yr LO means bonding with him more... Dun worry about his developmental stage... Try talking to him more & teaching him to self feed Always think positive & feel happy being a great mum😁
It would hurt if I were to hear it from my mil, cause as though I am not good enough to educate my own. However, pls dont take it to heart all her words. Elder generation dont know how to sweet talk 😄.. Cheer up Mummy.
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All children learn at different speeds, don't take this too seriously at the moment. Maybe send your LO to a playgroup for few hours per day, or meet with other mummy friends and have play dates at home.