I resigned from my job after I've given birth to my LO. Now he is 17 months old n my mil kept asking me to send him to Childcare cos she said LO when being taken care by me learns n develops v slow .. e.g. Still can't self feed using spoon, can't speak many words yet. Etc .. I'm feeling v sad .. Did I do anything wrong by wanting to take care of my LO until 3 then send him to Childcare b4 I return back to work ? Sigh .. :(

nothing wrong. Every child is different . Sooner or later they will pick up their own skills by themself so not to worry so much. Baby childhood is important and mum accompany is equally important.
Your child your decision. Probably just need to get your husband’s support to manage your MIL. Just respect that she’ll have her comments and request that she respects your decision too (:
Nonsense haha... Sorry... but well, most of us grew up under the wings of sahm and we all know how to feed ourselves! don't listen to funny comments.... I believe u r doing great
Don't worry, once ur LO ready .he will know all. I feel 17 months still too young to go childcare. You can look after him is best choice. Too small to childcare will keep sick.
My son is 4yrs old and he still can't jump properly and talk properly... Different kid, different way of how they grow up... Try talking to him properly... No more baby talk...
take her to see a specialist so you know what her main problem so u are able to manage handle her problem than decide if u are willing to put her into a special school
Different kid different grow and learn differently They can’t compare with other kids of the same age group Do what you think is most suitable and comfortable for u
not true. diff kid diff learning pace. don't take it too hard. I let my 3yo in school this year and she is learning well too and coping well.
Every kids is unique. Hope ur mil do not compare... If u wan, you can consider send ur lo to those 2 hr playgroup..
consider putting him at childcare when he turns 18 months. he can learn something.