9 Replies

My wife’s last pregnancy she was told by the nurse to take obimin, it already has 1milligram of folic acid so she didn’t need to take additional folic acid. Typical dosage is 400 microgram per day. Seeing a doctor can help you ascertain through a blood test if you have any vitamin or mineral deficiencies then you can buy your supps after.

I might be wrong but my impression is that folic supplement given by hospital (1mg) is twice of those available in pharmacy (500mcg), and you might not be able to get the 1mg folic acid as it is regulated(?) Still, as long as you take folic supplement, it should be fine regardless of the amount.

Just go to Watsons or Guardian or Unity and get folic acid 5mg. Brand is Teva. Cost only $5ish for 50 tablets and take 1 daily. Rest of the vitamins can wait for your first visit with your doc.

Just seen my doctor at 8weeks. She mentioned that first trimester folic acid 500mg is very critical, multivitamins can prescribe and take during the 2nd trimester

doc will only prescribe folic as supp. hence u can get e Blackmore supp urself first =) congrats

Major organs develope in first trimester so folic acid is very impt to prevent defects.

i will buy folic acid from the counter.. and will buy prenatal omega (nordic naturals)

What brand is good?

just buy your own. so baby is healthy n fine

U can get the Blackmore supplement!

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