White noise

I play white noise on Spotify to put my bb to sleep (naps and bedtime). Should I leave the white noise on throughout when bb is sleeping? Or should I turn it off after bb falls asleep?

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The decision to leave white noise on throughout your baby's sleep or turn it off after they've fallen asleep depends on several factors, including your baby's preferences and sleep patterns. White noise can be incredibly soothing and help babies drift off to sleep by drowning out other noises and providing a consistent, calming sound environment. Many parents find that leaving white noise on throughout the duration of their baby's sleep helps maintain a peaceful atmosphere and can even prevent them from being disturbed by sudden noises that might otherwise wake them up. However, some babies may become dependent on the white noise to fall asleep and might struggle to sleep without it if it's suddenly turned off. On the other hand, some parents prefer to gradually wean their baby off white noise by turning it off once they've fallen asleep. This approach allows babies to learn to self-soothe and sleep without relying solely on external stimuli. Ultimately, it's essential to observe your baby's reactions and adapt based on what works best for them. If your baby seems to sleep well with the white noise on throughout the night or nap, then it's perfectly fine to leave it on. Conversely, if you notice that your baby sleeps just as soundly without it or if they seem to become overly reliant on it, you may consider turning it off after they've fallen asleep. Engaging comment: "Ah, the eternal white noise debate! It's like a lullaby for parents, isn't it? I've found that leaving it on throughout the night helps my little one sleep like a champ, but every baby seems to have their own opinion on the matter, don't they? What's your experience been like with white noise and your baby's sleep routine? checkout more details here https://www.spotifypremiumapk.net/

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