5 Replies

Is this an honest mistake or is she always like this? Could it be she's having one of those days where everything goes wrong or is this a daily occurrence? If she's normally not forgetful, just reprimand her gently and let it go but if it's a recurring pattern, then maybe you can sit her down and ask her what's bothering her and causing her work performance to slip.

Maybe she really forgotten. Or communucation break down? or stressful because of the new environment? When my helper was new, she always forget things and mumbling herself. Now, she is getting better and perform better too. Ya. Not easy to find a good helper nowaday, especially those really good to our children.

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Breathe. How is she with baby usually? Finding a good helper is very difficult, so if yours is okay and you feel your baby is safe around her then just let it be. Remind her that it's not okay to leave baby in the cot without sheets on

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Helpers are like that. Don't ask them why as you will only exasperate yourself and them. Just give them the directions and tell them to follow.

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