how to enjoy mommy life...

Am i the only one who still struggle to put my little boy sleep even he going to be 5 month soon??? He dont want to sleep on my shoulder.. Even u hug him.. He will sleep if u give his pucifier or after he finish his milk.. Is it normal.. N he still cannot move one without his pucifier.. Really regret giving him pucifier.. Why so stressful?? How to enjoy every moment with him..?? Like what i see other mommy with their baby.. #iwantthebestforhim

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Hi mommy hope u doing well.. dont worry pacifier is one of the tools that can provide calm feeling to your baby.. try finding pacifier with orthodontic safety to prevent dental baby is also 5 month old and he really depend on pacifier for him to sleep..once he in deep sleep i pick off the pacifier from his mouth… Be happy mommy everything will be fine❤️❤️❤️❤️

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hi mommy. pls DONT COMPARE WITH OTHERS. sbb tu u stress. and jgn dgr ckp org. u ikut cara u. anak ni lain². tak boleh nak samakan. kalau u betul² stress, boleh minta husband take over. sometimes anak ni berubah perangai ikut bulan. just enjoy every moment calmy. nanti bila dah besar mesti u akan rindu.

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Aaaaaa baby saya punnnnn . Nak tidur atas badan je and mulut kena always kat breast . Kalau dia senyap kena tunggu dalam 30 minit baru boleh letak slow2 kat tilam , tu pun kalau letak tak terkejut .kalau terkejut kena ulang balik step pertama tadi 🤣. Struggle is reall 😂 apa apa pun enjoy je moment2 dgn baby , sebab baby ni dah nanti kalau dah besar kita yang rindu 😭

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Baby saya dari newborn kerjanya menangis je. Sampai nenek saya nak bawak berubat. Bawak ke hospital la. Semua benda tak kena. Sampai umur dia 3bulan nangis dia dah stop. Terus jadi behave sangat. Nangis bila nak susu je. Saya hanpir meroyan time pantang. U not the only one struggle here mom! U not alone. I wish u and baby the best. Chin up mummy u can do this! 🤍🥲

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Influencer của TAP

sy Dari berpantang sorang ii , Jaga anak pun sorang ii , smua bnda laa buat sorang ii , dah laa ank pertama , sedih stress smua dh sy alami , suami ada tapi balik kerja nk rehat n tido main dengan anak pun 5 mnit je , stress tekanan smua Ada , tiap Malam nangis snyap ii , alhamdulillah skrg ank dh nk msuk 6 bulan ,

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1t trước

aaaaaa 😫😫😫 tengah alami sekarang! nak nangis. berpantang rumah mak sampai anak 5bulan. ni dah balik rumah sendiri. takde sesiapa kat sini. aaaaa sunyinyaaaa husband kerja balik pukul 7 pulak. susahnya nak terbiasakan hidup kat sini

hi sy first mom n sy sy ibu bekerja blk rmh jaga ank lg,bt Keja hakiki di rmh lg...mmg stress n mmg strugel sbp ank mcm2 ragam kdg2 nak menempek je,tambh2 ank xnak pesifier n ayun,blm lg kurg rehat tpi sy slu tanamkan di hti ank ni time skg ja bnyk karena x lma lg akan mmbsar..jdi sy ikt je rentak bby... skg bby 5mont strong mumy..

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hye the first one month im little stress because i cant read the pattern.and now yes I'm really enjoying my motherhood and this my first baby.even thought I'm stress sometimes I do focus on him and give him to have a conversation with me.everything change by day...still I can accept it as a mom.may all you enjoy your motherhood

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Konsep dia bagi sy as first time mommy en, mommies sekalian bertahan okeyyy. ikut je. kalau bby tu snng tido kt bahu, bg jela tido kt bahu. mommy x stress bby pun x stress. bby sy 5 mnths lg ske tido kne dakap. AHAHA maka.. sy tido position dduk🤣🤣🤣 mommies kuat. u can do this

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Yes it is so distressing. My baby rejects pacifier, bottle. The only way he will sleep is only by breastfeeding. He depends solely on me to sleep and honestly it's tiring

1t trước

sama! tak tidur la kalau tak mengempeng.

jgn stress mommy, just enjoy.. my baby time 4m nak tido kena buai tangan, dh masuk 5m tido kt tilam & nk pacifier.. after minum susu mesti nk pacifier kalau tak mengamuk 😅 trjaga dr tido pun nk pacifier, sumbat botol susu pun tak nak.. layankn je la