Wish i can wfh or not working now.

I am now in week 22. Always feel super tired and lazy. Been taking unpaid leave alot now from work due to interrupted leg cramps and also cannot sleep well at night. Uneasy for me to wake up for work now. Feel tired and lazy. Tried to ask for HL from doc but did not get it. Passionate in work has lost its way and just work for the sake of working vibes are much stronger nowadays. Well, it is what it is. I just hope my workplace will bear with me during this period. Feels so bad. Sigh. Anyone feel me?

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Yes I understand how you feel 😕 I haven’t been sleeping well and it’s hard for me to perform at my best at work when I’m in the office with frequent fatigue. Have asked for alternate work weeks but was rejected. I can only bear with it until the baby arrives. Jiayou mummy!

4y trước

Hi Sheryl. Thats what i meant.. here pple has no passionate of working and understanding others. Sad about it. But like i said it is what it is. Ive did asked to be excused from work during CB period but it was rejected. Hope all goes well for you and take care!