Hubs and I are trying out for an addition to the family , I have missed 1 week of my period and I am starting to feel the symptoms
I do not want to get a test kit anytime soon , What are the FOR SURE signs I can look out for ?

There aren’t any for sure signs, unfortunately. You would need to get tests done (blood/urine) to show raised pregnancy hormones. Even then, it doesn’t prove that there’s a viable pregnancy. You’d still need an ultrasound to show that the foetus is in the womb and not anywhere else. And even if the foetus is nicely in the womb, you’d need repeat tests subsequently to ensure the heartbeat’s present, that baby’s growing well, etc. It’s a long and exciting but also nerve-wrecking journey through pregnancy. Even after going through it once before, I wasn’t prepared for all the hardship I experienced in the second pregnancy (it was harder than the first). So I sincerely feel that you should get a pregnancy test kit whenever you’re ready, and take it from there. Because whether you’re pregnant or not will make a huge difference in your coming days. And if you’re really pregnant, my warmest congratulations :)
Read moreYou have missed a week which would make you around 5 weeks plus about now. I would strongly suggest you get a pregnancy test done and if positive to make your OBGYN appt! Congratulations!!
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