am I pregnant

Hello I am new here and I just got married a month ago. Recently I keep having a gut feeling that I may be pregnant. Took 2 pregnancy test each a day apart and both gave me faint pink lines. Anyone with faint line experience and does it mean that I am really pregnant? I heard of evaporation line so idk if it is.

am I pregnant
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Likely yes. Guardian brand give fainter lines. Bt positive pregnancy result might mean other things as well. Book an appt w gynae to check.

Influencer của TAP

Go polyclinic tell the doc suspected pregnancy and missed period, they will ask u do urine test. Will know result around 10-20 mins.

I even went to gp and test but is waste money one. They also use urine test strip. Unless you do blood test but that will have to wait lo

5y trước

Lol do they also use our drugstore brand haha I see. Thank u so much for sharing w me!

Super Mom

I used Guardian test kit too. If its not pregnant, that square there will be completely blank. Try again the next few days

Super Mom

You may wanna use clear blue which I think gives more accurate results. Or do a blood test to confirm.

It looks like a positive to me, maybe u can try buying clear blue digital test kit to test out

Looks like mine previously! You may want to try the clear blue kit! Congrats! 😍

Faint line might be because it's still too early. Try again during the first morning urine.

most likely yes. you can try & test again in a week or two or go down to poly 😊

Hi congratz... its looks quite 50/50 to me. maybe u might wanna try the test again next week.

5y trước

Ya... Maybe I will give it another go thank you..