Mother in law and brother in law

Hi! I need opinions! I just gave birth to my daughter and my husband invited his whole family to visit my baby. I was so uncomfortable cuz I’m still in pain and it’s been only 2 days I’ve been discharge from the hospital. I find it so rude that my brother in law asked for my MIL’s permission to carry my daughter instead of asking my permission. My MIL then carry my baby and pass her to my BIL. I was standing right there and couldn’t say anything. What do you ladies think? #monsterinlaws

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Firstly, congratulations to your birth of your daughter. Secondly, I am sure it is not easy for you with the pain and discomfort that you are experiencing after giving birth. You are doing well. The pain can make you feel more grumpy. Thirdly, I agree that your BIL was rude to not seek your permission and instead seek your MIL’s permission. You feel disrespected and like “hello, I am the mom of the baby”, you are the rightful one and anyone other than your husband want to carry should seek yours or your husband permission. You can share your feelings with your husband that you are not comfortable for your anyone to come and visit at the moment because both you and baby needs rest while you nursing your baby and recovering. Express that you would appreciate that he can respect you and have consideration for you as you are recovering. You can let him know your needs and hope he can understand your needs and be your support during this time. Yes, it is your husband for not discussing with you before inviting his whole family to visit the baby. And often then not, we, the mother is always the forgotten one or neglected after giving birth as baby becomes the main attention. Haha. And I am sure our husbands are excited about our new born. 😀 We just have to speak up to our husband nicely. Anyway, speedy recovery and take ample of rest. Take care and stay safe! Let’s Jiayou together 💪🏼

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