Gestational Diabetes
I missed my glucose test the other day. Just wanted to ask what are the symptoms that you mummies have if you had it during your pregnancy

Hey there! Don't worry, it's totally understandable to miss a test sometimes. Gestational diabetes can be tricky because it often doesn't have any noticeable symptoms. That's why it's important to get tested regularly during pregnancy. But if you do experience symptoms, they might include feeling more thirsty than usual, frequent urination, fatigue, and blurred vision. If you're concerned, definitely talk to your healthcare provider about getting tested and what to do next. Take care!
Read moreI used to feel very thirsty, but other than that no other symptoms. With every pregnancy, it is different. I had GDM for my first one but second one I didn't have
my leg will itchy if i eat too sweet.. but my gynea say it wasn't because of GD.. but when i control the intake of rice and sweet stuffs i dont feel itchy
no symptoms for me but i crave a sweet drink everyday i used to drink a can of coke daily 2 years ago.
There’s no symptoms for GD.. you’ll only know when you take your GTT.
Always Very Thirsty