Weight Loss

I m 32 weeks pregnant now. My baby weight is 1.8kg. However myself personally did not gain any weight. My initial weight before pregnancy was 50 n I lost 1 kg now. Is it normal to lose weight during pregnancy taking into consideration I don't face any morning sickness or vomit. I m worried that I might not have strength to go for normal delivery if I never gain any weight. Please advise.

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Dear..just intake healthy and good food ya.. Gain or not gain weight doesn't matter actually..u need to make sure ur healthy and strong during the delivery process.. Think positive..avoid take negative insight..

Mummy, weight does not define ur strength. As long as ur baby's weight is at the normal range, than it is fine. U dont gain weight is not a bad thing pun. U want strength, exercise and take more protein.

Try to eat more fruits.. and take enough plain water..