I just lost my job. Company says I am not competent enough for the position. I have been trying but somehow I just can't do well. I am the main Breadwinner. 2 kids. My Wife stays at home. I do I tell her. I feel ashame.my wife already says I dont earn enough for the family and ask me to take on second income

Jiayou!! Its better if you can be honest to your wife, tell her current situation. Sit down, calm down and find solution tgt. If she find that ur income is not enuf, better ask her to find job too. So will have double income in future. Don't think too much and dont feel ashamed. Maybe u r just badluck, take a break even machine also need to shut down. I also not working, i also complain to my husband that his inc not enuf ( because he force me to stay at home ) no choice only can complain. So sometimes both husband n wife really need to sit down and ve a good talk
Read moreDont feel ashamed and dont underestimate your capabilities. I admire the fact that despite the difficulties you are facing, you have not given up. That is very important. Our character and attitude. If both our character and attitude are good, one day slowly but surely you will see the returns. Be patient with your wife, iam sure she is worried and has her fair share of troubles too. End of the day, both of you are still doing your best. We will be here cheering you on!
Read moreI heard of father that lost their job but still act like they going out to work. They take their laptop and look for jobs in library. Is wrong that your wife tell you to look for a second job because as a father you should spend time with your kids too. Tell her about it, then stay at home take a break for a week or 2 while you look for job. Since she is not supportive to you as a bread winner, maybe u want to encourage your wife to go work too.
Read moreI'm sorry for your predicament. I hope you will recover from this and bounce back as fast as possible. Don't give up. If your heart is in the right place and you work hard, I'm sure things will get better. Take some time to find a job you know you'll be good at. Your wife is probably afraid and worried of the future just like you. People say things they don't mean when they are stressed. I pray things will get better for you. Hang in there.
Read moreJust be honest to your wife. It happened to me before when I was laid off due to retrenchment. My wife is supportive during that time. She help to support the family while I was trying my best to get a new job. Don't give up and keep all your stress by yourself. This is the time when you will realise your family will still stick to you even when you have fallen. Just hang on there and I believe you will find a job soon.
Read moreDon give up yeah.... I as a wife also will support my husband as I knew his income also not much... I have send my child to childcare so there wasn't anything to worry too... If mother works the gorvement will subsidy more... so there's are way to handle thing.... Jia you 💪💪💪 don give up ☺️
Don't feel ashamed about it. Believe in yourself! you are very determined. One way is, encourage your wife to work too. This way the income can be spilt. The kids can go to childcare. There is subsidies for working mothers and additional subsidies for household income below 7.5k. You can do it!
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Dont up sad sometime thing dont go smoothly, some company want workers everything 100% but we all are human we sometime have mistakes. Find some job you like more than alot $ you will very tried.
Hang in there. Think it's better to tell her sooner rather than later. I am sure she can help you feel better. Best of luck.