I like taking nap after I have my breakfast and whenever I dose off suddenly I will feel abit of stomach pain like needed to go toilet shit that kind of pain. I always got waken up by the pain and it last for 15 mins. Like everyday there will be one time of this kind of feeling and usually is when I am taking a nap. I was thinking is it contractions pain? Because I really don't know how contractions feels like.

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Hi, This must not be the contraction as that would not happen just once during the whole day. The contractions generally start with having each after long intervals and then their time starts reducing and you get it at shorter intervals. I mean even if you are experiencing it for the first time, you will get to know that they are contractions. But because you are in your 37th week you should consult your gynaecologist and take a little know how of when you can expect the contractions.

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