hi... i would like to know 1. isit safe to baby wear my #1 while in early stages of pregnancy? lets say 5weeks.. -i have an ergobaby ventus 2. i am fully breast feeding #1 who is 7mo. he latches as i am a sahm.. he is taking solids now. max 2 times a day. do i have to stop? 3. recently baby #1 starts vomitting.. just recently as he is the type that dont vomit.. is this normal? or am i paranoid? is it my milk? or is he too full? thanks!

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Hi mummy.. 1. I used Tula toddler with my no.2 while I was 7weeks pregnant. My boy was about 13kg that time. I didn't wear for more than 30mins though. I find it was manageable. However, if you have any pregnancy complication or not feeling well after wearing please stop immediately. 2. My gynae said it is fine to breastfeeding while pregnant as the oxytocin hormones released during breastfeeding is minimal to trigger contractions. I breastfed my no.1 and no.2 while breastfeeding until 4-5 months into pregnancy and stopped due to milk dried up. You do not need to stop breastfeeding after baby starts solids as milk is still the main source of nutrients for baby under age 1. But if you intend to stop weaning to prepare for absrupt in milk supply (depends on individual mummy's body) you can gradually introduce milk bottle to your baby. If you intend to continue to breastfeed throughout the pregnancy and do extended breastfeeding after giving birth, you can read up more on tandem breastfeeding. 3. There are few reasons for baby to vomit. Is your baby vomit after every latching/milk feed? Since your baby has started on solids, you might want to avoid giving food such as brocolli which causes wind to baby's tummy and feel bloated. For breastfeeding baby, normally baby will unlatch themselves once he/she feels full and thus it is unlikely due to overfed. Also, try not to offer milk or water right after solids to let baby to have time to digest the food.

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1)Yes it is safe to babywear. At 5 weeks pregnant there's no tummy to get in the way. Babywearing while pregnant is along the same lines as playing sports. When you are used to wearing your baby regularly your strength and stamina increase accordingly.I believe ergobaby Ventus is a soft structured carriers are great for weight distribution and are ok until you start to really pop out the front. 2)Breastfeeding during pregnancy is perfectly safe. As long as you eat reasonably well, then your unborn baby will not be deprived of nutrients. Just for your information, a decrease in milk supply is very common during the fourth and fifth months of pregnancy. The taste of your milk will change, too, and some children will decide stop nursing. 3) with regards to vomiting, does he vomit after every feed? Is he not feeling well? When your baby spits up it is just a gentle release of fluids and only in small amounts. This usually doesn’t bother the baby at all. When they vomit, it tends to be large amounts and comes out of the mouth with great force. When they vomit, they will often cry and get upset. If it's the latter, I would suggest seeing a pediatrician.

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1) I baby wear my baby when I was 3 mths preg. I would say it dep on ur comfort level. Also, u are at your early stage of preg, I would not baby wear for too long. 2) since ur baby is eating 2 solids meals now, u can slowly wean him off if u r comfortable. Having to transit to fm or drinking lesser bm can be a tedious transition period for him but as ur tummy grows bigger, u might be v uncomfortable to bf him totally. 3)vomitting can be subjective. It can be he is too full to he is not well. Check for any discomfort in him such as cough, colour changes in his poo. If all is normal and he is happy other than some vomitting, I think he is doing fine. Pls consult pd if u r worried.

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